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Sunday 27 February 2011

On 27 February The Dragons played some really good rugby despite the poor weather.

We thought the ospreys and ostriches game would help develop reaction times and tagging skills. What it did do was to identify those Dragons with initiative; more commonly know as cheats!

Last week, 6 March, Dexter won the bulldog game, again! Sam really impressed me with the quality of his passes. Will and David scored fantastic tries in the tag game.

Next week the tide is in and we will need to play at a different venue.

Training times are now displayed on the right hand side of the Blog page.

See you next week.

Nigel, Mal and Mark.

Friday 25 February 2011

Some fantastic photos from Luca's dad

We had a great session last week. It was nice to be back on the beach after a couple of cancelled training sessions.

We were joined by some new Dragons.

I was really pleased with the rugby, especially the tag game at the end.

After the rugby we went back to the club for hot dogs.

Hope to see you on the beach next Sunday.

Nigel and Mark.