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Sunday 27 November 2011


We took a break from games against other teams this week and practised our skills.

During our training we focused on tagging, running onto the ball, picking up a ball from the ground and passing. We also had a quiz on tag rugby rules.

The Dragons did really well. I was pleased to see the skills being used in our tag game at the end. Well done boys.

We have another away game against Penclawydd next Sunday. I will post details as soon as I receive them.

See you next week,


Sunday 20 November 2011

Waunarlwydd Away. Sunday 20 Nov.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry and sorry!

Thank you for all arriving early and waiting for so long in the cold.

We tried to do our best with the Dragons while we were waiting for our game to start. Thank you Grant for your help. We played bulldogs, practised passing, ran relay races and played Grants tag and evasion game.

My non game highlight was catching one of the Dragons sitting on the water bottle caps just before his team-mate took a long refreshing drink...Yuk!

When our game eventually started the Dragons were fantastic. The boys were on fire this week! I lost count of the number of great individual tries from the team. There were some great tags as well.

Thank you for your support and patience today. See you next week,


Who are we!

Bulldog in today's pre match training

Super swerving! We have a potential Shane Williams in the making I think!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Thursday 10 November 2011

Dragons V Neath and Banwen (away)

The Dragons were fantastic last weekend!

We played Banwen then Neath. Our team played so well in both games. I lost count of those who scored tries!

Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so I don't have any photos. Lucio did have his so I hope to put some photos on the blog soon.

My highlight of the day was an off the pitch moment when I saw Jess jumping up and down after Morgan scored a great try!

We have a game next weekend against Loughor (away....again!). Hope you can join us then.

Well done Dragons.
