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Friday 28 September 2012

Training and Game against the Knights. 30/09/12. 11:00.

Pontarddulais are not bringing an under 8's team this Sunday so we have a free slot. We must have scared them when we last played! We plan to do some training then play a game against the Mumbles Knights (Under 7's team). Please arrive at 11am. See you on Sunday. Mark.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Wet, wet, very wet! Dragons V the Bonymaen 2!

Thank you to all the parents who made the trip to Bonymaen today. The weather was very wet and windy. We knew in advance that Bonymaen were a bit short on numbers but I expected more than 2 players! We split the Dragons and had a good game of rugby. The boys did really well with their defensive play. Tag lines were held which made attacking really difficult for the opposition. Great play boys in difficult conditions. Well done. Mark.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Dragons V Loughor

The Dragons played really well against Loughor on Sunday. They had so many players they could field 2 sides! Our plucky hero's played 30 minutes of rugby. There are some skills that we can work on during training which should make a big difference but the Dragons managed to stop Loghor from scoring try's and gain possession of the ball. Well done boys. Mark.

Dragons V Bonymaen (Away). 23/09/12. 10:45.

Our next game is on Sunday 23 September against Bonymaen. We are playing at their ground which is located at SA1 7JF. Kick off will be at 11am. Please arrive at 10:45 so that we can get the Dragons ready for their game. See you on Sunday. Mark.

Training. Underhill Park. 20/09/12. 18:30.

We are going to hold another training session on 20/09/12 at 18:30 in Underhill park, Mumbles. I will send a message to you all with an invitation to vote on the best nights for the majority of the parents. We will also look at alternating training days but we need you to vote to help us. Mark.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Dragons V Loughor (Away). 16/09/12. 10:15

Our next game will be against Loughor at their ground. Kick off is at 10:30. Please arrive by 10:15 which will give us time to get the Dragons ready for their game. Don't forget our training session this Thursday evening in Underhill Park. Mark.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Farewell to Shane Williams

Shane Williams, a Welsh rugby legend, has retired from international and Ospreys rugby. Will one of our Dragons replace him! That's what the WRU hope. Tag rugby is designed to be fun and equip kids with the skills to succeed. Just remember to keep two hands on the ball when you score a try Dragons!

Sunday 9 September 2012

Training. Underhill Park, Mumbles. 13/09/12. 18:30-19:30

Our first training session will be in Underhill Park, Mumbles on Thursday 13 September. We will train for 1 hour from 18:30 until 19:30. When the weather gets colder we will move indoors. See you on Thursday. Mark.

Dragons V Dunvant. 9 September.

Dragons you were fantastic! Nigel and I are really proud of how you played today. Everyone of the players had a great game. Most importantly, you looked like you were really enjoying it. That's what Tag Rugby is all about. Well done boys! I am sorry there are no photos of the game; I left the camera on the wrong setting after taking some pictures of dragonflies! Thank you for your support at the Rugby club after the game. We hope to see you on Thursday for our first training session. Mark.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Dragons V Dunvant (Home). 9 September. 10:45am

Our next game is against Dunvant at home. Kick off is at 11am. Please arrive by 10:45 so that we can get the players ready. Please join us after the game in the club for some hotdogs or pasta. See you on Sunday. Mark.

Sunday 2 September 2012

It was great to see all the Dragons back together after the summer break. The boys played really well against a superior Morriston side. There were some some really good runs, tags and tries.
There are elements of the our game that we need to improve. We need to get better at forming lines for attack and defence. We ran into touch on a couple of occasions and possession was lost with poor passing. We can work on all of these in our training sessions. We are going to start mid week training. Training will be on Thursday evenings in Underhill Park, Mumbles. We will train between 18:30 and 19:30. Underhill is our ground so there is no cost to us as a team. Although basic there are chaining rooms and flood lights. In the winter we will switch too an indoor venue. Training starts on 13 September. Our next game is against Dunvant at home (Bishopston). Mark.