2015 -16 Fixtures, Directions, Contact details, Links, Membership and Rules are all located on the right hand side of the blog.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Training / Game against Mumbles Knights

We had a training session at Bishopston today. The weather was so cold that we had to keep the boys moving.

We played a game with our friends the Mumbles Knights. They are a great team, full of enthusiasm, with some star players.

The big news of the day was that we recived a new shirts. They look absolutely fantastic. Nigel has done a brilliant job. Thank you for your hard work.

At the moment we don't have a game scheduled so we will be training at Bishopston. We will meet at 10:30. See you next week.


Saturday 28 January 2012

New clubhouse and facilities in Underhill Park, Mumbles

Mumbles RFC home ground is in Underhill park. This is a great location but the pitch has poor drainage and the layout does not make best use of the area available. The other big drawback is that our clubhouse is not on this site. This makes a huge differnce as you will have experienced when visiting other clubs this year.

There are plans to join with the Rangers (Mumbles football club) to purchase and develop Underhill park, This which will culminate in a new clubhouse. For this to happen we need people with skills and commitment to be part of the project team. We need members or parents perhaps versed in finance, design, planning, legal, fund raising etc.

The club will be holding a meeting in March to discuss the way forward, for a chance that might not occur again.

If you can help please let me know.


Last weekend (S.Gower) & Sunday 29 January (Training)

We played South Gower last weekend and were well and truly beaten! It is good to play a superior team from time to time. That's all I want to say about that!

Thanks for your support at the club. We lobbied hard to get catering provided. That has now happened but the Dragons still want their hotdogs! I have asked if we can get hotdogs as well as the healthier option next time.

We have a break from our scheduled games. On Sunday 29 January we will be doing some joint training and playing against the Mumbles Knights (Under 6 Beach Rugby Team). Please meet at Bishopston at 10:30.

Nigel has revived the new rugby jerseys that he designed for our team. He will be handing these out to the Dragons tomorrow. If you have not yet paid your subs for the year please can you bring £42 tomorrow as we need the cash!


Sunday 15 January 2012

Dragons V Gowerton

We played Gowerton (Away) today. The weather was absolutely freezing but the boys did really well. The teams were evenly matched and the Dragons played some great rugby. Well done Dragons.

See you all next week for a home game against South Gower. Please bring a change of shoes as we will probably go back to the club for hotdogs.


Saturday 14 January 2012

Dragons V Dunvant

The Dragons played really well against Dunvant, who were one of the strongest teams that we have played so far. The boys were really enthusiastic and got stuck in despite the long Christmas break. Well done everyone.
