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Saturday 28 January 2012

Last weekend (S.Gower) & Sunday 29 January (Training)

We played South Gower last weekend and were well and truly beaten! It is good to play a superior team from time to time. That's all I want to say about that!

Thanks for your support at the club. We lobbied hard to get catering provided. That has now happened but the Dragons still want their hotdogs! I have asked if we can get hotdogs as well as the healthier option next time.

We have a break from our scheduled games. On Sunday 29 January we will be doing some joint training and playing against the Mumbles Knights (Under 6 Beach Rugby Team). Please meet at Bishopston at 10:30.

Nigel has revived the new rugby jerseys that he designed for our team. He will be handing these out to the Dragons tomorrow. If you have not yet paid your subs for the year please can you bring £42 tomorrow as we need the cash!


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