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Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas Party. Rugby Club. 19/12/12. 18:00-18:30 start.

We will be holding a Christmas Party for the Dragons in the Rugby Club this Wednesday(19/12/12). Please arrive between 6 and 6:30pm. I really need your help! Please, please can I have volunteers for the following: Party Games and music (suitable, no hardcore drum and bass!). Please can you also chose an item of food to bring to the party. Add a comment on this blog post so that everyone else know what you are bringing so we don't end up with 12 plates of Pizza (although that would be no bad thing!). Can I suggest the following (feel free to chose something different): Mince Pies for mums and dads, pizza, sausage rolls, crisps, sandwiches (we will will need more than one plate), cakes and biscuits. There will be presents for the Dragons! Thanks for your help. Mark.


  1. I will bring mince pies for the mums and dads and presents for the Dragons! Mark.

  2. I will try and get a Santa outfit if I can? We will bring crisps and sandwiches. We have to leave at 7:15 as we are going to a birthday party at 7:30. Hopefully Nigel or Caron will take Rhidian home for us later.

  3. I'll bring cakes and biscuits, if that's ok?

  4. Rhidian can come home with us Sonia.

    Shall I supply the pizza then? Will Ben be ok if there are no hot dogs?!

    Games - rugby-pass the parcel, musical statues/chairs, rugby quiz (some questions on what we want them to learn and some general stuff), The Welsh Haka (I brush my teeth in the morning when I get up-a!) Best dancers to that Gangnam style record thingy, tug of war (although I can't see skinny allowing it), Monkey tennis...

    I guess we should stay away from the more usual rugby team games... quickest to drink a pint of squash, who can eat the most boiled eggs in a minute etc...

    1. You are a natural Nigel......you should be a teacher!

    2. Not sure about that!! But I have got lots of sausage rolls and pizza. Do you think we can cook/warm/burn them there?

      Does anyone have any music or decent stereo?

    3. There is a CD player behind the bar that plays into speakers in the room. I don't know if Mark will let us warm the food?

  5. Oliver has volunteered to be the DJ, he's uploaded some dance tracks including Gagnam Style, so look forward to seeing the Dad's doing that! We've also got 'Now thats what I call Xmas' so there's plenty of dance music for them. I'll bring a tray of egg sandwiches and two boxes of chocolate fingers.

    1. Thank you Oliver...you saved the day. It wouldn't have been much of a party without the DJ!!

      Merry Christmas

  6. Thank you for a great party. Dex loves his jumper, best hoodie ever he said!!! Thank you!

    Merry Christmas to you all!
